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Dannielle Brooks, Executive Coaching Speaker Workshop Facilitation, Psychedelic Integration Guide Program Creation, Plant Medicine Spiritual Guidance




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Today, most of us create our realities unconsciously from the programs embedded into us by our ancestors or the world around us. Our lives are the result of negative thought forms, limiting belief structures, and the untrue story that we are just flawed, unworthy humans, not the divine incarnate. This book speaks the truth about who you are and what you are beyond the constructs of fear, doubt, judgment, guilt and shame. Most importantly, this book shows you how to let go of what you are not and be that which you are beyond the constructs.

Dannielle Brooks, Executive Coaching Speaker Workshop Facilitation, Psychedelic Integration Guide Program Creation, Plant Medicine Spiritual Guidance

by Danielle Brooks

Dannielle Brooks, Executive Coaching Speaker Workshop Facilitation, Psychedelic Integration Guide Program Creation, Plant Medicine Spiritual Guidance
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The psychedelic renaissance is here! While research centers all over the world explore innovative treatments using ketamine, MDMA, psilocybin, and more Danielle Brooks has been an integration guide for clients going into and coming out of psychedelic and non-psychedelic medicine experiences since 2020. She teaches people how to set intentions and work with specific medicines for maximum results and guides them on how to get the most out of their experiences. Danielle helps her clients integrate what was revealed to them into their daily lives, and what is revealed in these experiences is powerful enough to disrupt lifelong patterns passed down from generation to generation. 


Danielle works with anywhere from 20 to 40 clients per week going into and coming out of various medicine experiences to move beyond negative thought patterns, limiting belief structures, trauma and ego activity. Working outside of traditional frameworks and obstacles, Danielle has had the freedom to take risks and discover what works and what doesn't. 


Her innovative methods to help clients integrate psychedelic and non-psychedelic revelations has profoundly impacted a wide range of high-profile individuals, including Navy Seals, models, Academy Award-winners, professional athletes in all major sports, and billionaire and millionaire entrepreneurs. Her strategies and insights continue to redefine integration methodologies. Her book The Extraordinary Ordinary You sets the stage for people to get more from their lives. Her follow-up book Revelation Integration is scheduled to be released this fall. 


I am currently working only with 20 and 30 clients per week going into and coming out of different medicine experiences. I see patterns and help people ditch patterns. 


If you choose to work with me you will receive linear and non linear guidance prior to and after plant medicine experiences that enable you to get the most out of the experience. Sessions include intention  setting, how to work with the medicine and what to expect before, during and after. Integration guidance supports you as you land and helps you pull self realizations, directives and valuable information from the experience and incorporate it into your daily life. Self realizations are one thing. Acclimating physically, mentally and emotionally afterwards is another.


Plant medicines I prepare you for and help integrate include but are not limited to: Ayahuasca, Mushrooms – Psilocybin, Mushrooms – Amarita, San Pedro/Huachuma, DMT, Kambo, Ketamine, MDMA / MDA, Cannabis, LSD. 


Are you having spiritual experiences outside of psychedelic plant medicines that you're not sure what to do with?


Have your meditations gone multidimensional? Would you like them too?

Would you like some support in acclimating and integrating the changes you and all of humanity are undergoing today?


Spiritual guidance can make you feel less crazy as you move through the stages of spiritual awakening. 

Learning how to connect with Source without plant medicine experiences is possible. I can show you how. 


Whether you are a devout yogi, long time meditator, a friend of breathwork or are just having some interesting or intense awakening type experiences, having someone to reassure you that you are not going crazy can be invaluable. 

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Dannielle Brooks, Executive Coaching Speaker Workshop Facilitation, Psychedelic Integration Guide Program Creation, Plant Medicine Spiritual Guidance

About Me


Dani has been an author since 2014 with two more books on the way. She has mentored individuals and created coaching programs in the health and wellness industry since 2001. She has created integration programs for private organizations, spoken at national conferences and currently teaches other integration guides the foundations of integration and how to cultivate their own artistic expression into the work they do. 


Dani has gone through the phases of awakening.  She has let go of what she is not, and then picked it back up again. She has had the identity crisis and watched as her ego grabbed hold of spiritual significance. As she let go of all identity she was able to experience herself in truth. It took time to integrate and acclimate to who and what she is. She is still integrating and learning today. 





When I work with individuals, I guide them through several phases. At first they must be willing to face that which needs to be seen. The so-called “ugly” parts of themselves or their experiences. They face the ego and begin the process of dis-identification from their traumas or experiences and see things from a higher perspective. This is the letting go phase. They begin to unwind stories of unworthiness, guilt and shame. They transition from blame to forgiveness, from judgment to discernment, and from pain and suffering to healing. This can bring about an identity crisis of sorts as they figure out who they are beyond their trauma or their past. Eventually they stop reacting and begin choosing consciously. The integration phase is acclimating and adjusting to who we are beyond our thought patterns, belief systems and experiences. No medicine experience is required. 


Receive spiritual guidance, gain intuitive insights and clear guidance regarding any experience or situation you find yourself in. I work with many executives, entrepreneurs, and entrepreneurial organizations on the topic of consciousness and how to be the conscious creator of their lives, not the unconscious reactor. 

Dannielle Brooks, Executive Coaching Speaker Workshop Facilitation, Psychedelic Integration Guide Program Creation, Plant Medicine Spiritual Guidance
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Schedule a call to meet Dani and explore whether her services are right for you

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