Hire Dani to explore psychedelic plant medicine revelations or integrate your spiritual insights.
Work with Dani to create your own integration program. One that is custom tailored and fits your organization.
Engage Dani to facilitate an event or speak at a national conference on the topics of consciousness, self mastery, or creating and living a coherent life.
Integration is processing, assimilating, and embodying the information that is revealed to you in any situation in life. It is questioning the way you behaved or reacted, being curious about it, and deciding for yourself what you will keep and what you will discard.
A guide can teach you how to work with the medicine or meditation intentionally so you feel safe and supported. A guide can show you how to relax, surrender and receive what you are asking for and teach you how to navigate when things get intense. Revelations when integrated can break lifelong habits and patterns. A guide can help you make sense of your experience, receive the messages and integrate them into your daily life.
A guide will work with you to integrate the most beautiful and what we would call dark experiences. When you are willing to receive the information revealed to you, you transcend and up the spiral of evolution you go!
If you are an organization consider including my services, or the services of my team members within the cost of your program.
When integration is a mandatory part of the process people engage more freely, are more committed, and get much more out of the experience.
We can help your clients navigate physical pain; mental, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, trauma, addiction and ancestral lineage patterns, as well as spiritual enlightenment.
A program can be created specifically for your organization and culture you wish to curate.
This call is all about preparing you for the medicine. Dani will work with you on intention setting, explain how to get the most out of the experience and talk about what integration is, what it looks like and how we will work together.
She will answer any questions you have and share the possibilities available to you. This call is scheduled roughly within one week prior to your journey or experience.
Depending on the medicine and experience you may receive a grounding exercise or a balancing and orienting meditation as well as navigational tips and tools on how to work with the medicine consciously and intentionally.
She''ll show you how to go in prepared, excited and ready for what's ahead.
This is scheduled as soon as you get home to catch you. Dani will check in mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We will talk about what was revealed and begin integrating in a way that is right for you.
After your experience is complete you will begin to transcribe your experience or journal about it. This helps you further capture and embody what was revealed to you. This takes anywhere from 1-3 weeks plus or minus depending on the experience and person. Dani flexes and flows with clients as needed.
Dani will show you how to stay aligned to your new state of being and help look for self realizations, directives or answers to questions that you might not see. You are now in the golden window and may continue to receive important information.
This call is to review your
transcript or journal and continue the integration process. This is scheduled when you complete your transcript or feel complete with how you have journaled, categorized or organized the information revealed to you.
It is very common to have themes. Dani works with on average 20 individuals per week going into and coming out of a variety of medicine experiences. She can often see patterns or revelations you might miss.
After a journey patterns were interrupted. Now is the perfect time to create new ways of thinking, being, and operating in the world. Whatever you do, don't just hop right back into work and life as it was before. You will just reactivate old habits and patterns.
(60 MIN)
This call is to continue the integration process with the intent to "get complete” with what was revealed. Dani may use a variety of tools to help you release old thought patterns, embedded beliefs structures or emotional imprints that no longer serve you.
Her assistance can be invaluable when it comes to working with ego, which can get in the way of integrating valuable self realizations or directives.
She may also work with you to acclimate, accept and integrate the truth of you beyond ego. There is no judgment, no good, bad, right or wrong that could ever be within any experience.
Dani teaches people how to journey without plant medicine. If that interests you, you will learn how.
It is very common for people to not know what to do with the information gifted to them (whether in meditation or otherwise). People have mystical experiences and deep knowing of who they are as the divine, and then hop back into the same old routines and revert back to their limited humanity. This is what happens when no integration is done. Integration has a rhythm, a cadence that moves from an experiential insight, knowing, or realization to a period of adjustment where you get used to and embody that new information. You discover a new layer of the self, and take the time to ponder it, be curious about it and get used to it, and integrate it into your daily life. You are bridging the divine and the physical worlds, so in many ways you receive the information from the non-physical, integrate it, and bring it into the physical world. “As above, so below” makes complete sense from an integration perspective.


Dani has enjoyed working with couples, blended families, individuals and entrepreneurial organizations and their forums to improve their level of self-awareness and self-mastery. Topics include but are not limited to:
Self-awareness and actualization
Working with Ego: Imposter syndrome
Competence: Failing forward
Company Evolution: Evolve or die
Emotional Mastery: Communicating in non-triggered states
Conflict Resolution: To calmly find peaceful solutions for all parties
Decision Making: From a place of presence, inspiration and open communication
Company culture and accountability
Work Life Balance: Improving relationships
Relationship Coaching: Leaving the past behind
Vulnerability and Connection: Pushing boundaries and building bonds
Coherence: Aligning thoughts, words and actions
Time Management: Prioritizing time and attention effectively
Effective Communication and Implementation: Through agreements and accountability
ONE-ON-ONE COACHING: Dani works one-on-one or in group settings regarding any of the above topics. She also helps clients work through negative thought patterns, limiting belief structures, and ego activity. She teaches self-awareness and self-mastery skills that include anger management, resolving past trauma and actualization of who we are in truth for a more fulfilling, joyful and rewarding life. Dani works with all individuals from all walks of life.
Want to just hop right in and pick my brain? (That's more common than you think) Great! I love sharing what I know and helping others in any way I can. One visit will give you a sense of how I work. It doesn't matter what the topic or the path you have chosen. There are as many ways to come home as there are people.
These packages are for those who want to rocket launch negative thoughts patterns, limiting beliefs structures, and deal with unruly emotions and ego. We have self realizations every day. You may experience a knowing that you are not where you wish to be, see an aspect of yourself that you don’t like, or something you do like that you wish to cultivate. You may have a book jump off the shelf or discover a YouTube video or a website like this that you are called to. The receiving of information teaches you something about yourself. We will work together to remove blocks, get clarity, and integrate truth. No plant medicine experience necessary for any of my services.