You are me, I am you, we are one. Stop the struggle, stop the fight. Let never ending oneness carry you into the night. Let go your chains that you’ve locked so tight. Put down your armor, stop the fight. It’s time to rest. Lay down your sword. End the game that’s long been played. A stalemate is upon us, the time has come. The king is tired and the queen is worn. The pawns are weary, the games grown old. Lay down your head on a pillow... so soft, and let go. Let go, let go, let go. Surrender this weary game of separation, and come home. You are me, I am you, we are one. Stop the struggle, stop the fight. Let never ending oneness carry you into the night. Let the waves of love wash over you. Let the sounds of joy caress your weary soul. Be still. Be still. Be still. And come home. The wisdom you’ve sought has filled your soul. You know. You know. You know. Close your eyes and feel the peace that has always been within you. And come home. For you’ve done your part, You’ve played the role. Take off your costume and rest your soul. Slip away sweet nothing, slip away and know, You are me, I am you, we are one.