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Standing for Someone
I was working with a fellow coach who doubted their ability to stand up for their client and lovingly call out their false and limiting...

Divine and Sacred Sex. The Cosmic Orgasm!
When I work with couples there is one thing comes up very frequently. Too frequently. The woman has lost her sex drive and can't seem to...

What if?
What if there was no competition, no comparison or judgment? No better than, and no less than, but the love of the game called life and...

Positive Boredom
One of the most common reasons people give as to why they eat when they are not hungry, why they drink when they don't want to, or why...

Fiddle Fern Towers
Crabapple flowers and fiddle fern towers, spring is alive with life The bees are buzzing, the birds are singing, there’s not one sign of...

Negative Mantras
I received a question today from a client that I think is very valuable. Question: My mind always falls back on old thought patterns...

Come With Me
The east wind blows Through the grass and the eaves Tickling trees and lifting leaves Whispering sweet nothings to those who hear Come...

We Are One
You are me, I am you, we are one. Stop the struggle, stop the fight. Let never ending oneness carry you into the night. Let go your...

Humanity: Kids in a Sandbox
I had a vision that all beings throughout the universe are like little kids in a sand box, playing with toys and hitting each other over...

Life is filled with mirrors That reflect back all our fears In times of sorrow in times of sadness In the mirror we see our madness Life...

Time to Level Up
There are times in life when we are asked to level up. In the last five years I have been asked to level up many times. I left a...

Tobacco Navajo Prayer
Tobacco has been one of my greatest teachers. When I was in Taos New Mexico I was taught the Navajo Tobacco Prayer by Pat McCabe (Woman...

One-ness: There’s a lot of talk about oneness these days. It seems humanity is waking up to the truth that there is more to us than just...

Liquid Light
Into the nothing I sat, and saw that there is no good or bad, only what I chose to project and create. Those creations took on a life of...

In the heart of nothing
Inhale, pause. The world drops away, suspended in the belly of creation. So vast, so infinite, the center of creation breathes all...

A Peace Garden
A peace garden is a place of pathways, trees, cubby holes, and totems; a place where statues and saints serve as alters for people to lay...
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