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Divine and Sacred Sex. The Cosmic Orgasm!

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

When I work with couples there is one thing comes up very frequently. Too frequently. The woman has lost her sex drive and can't seem to bring it back. Now, I am not a sex therapist but have read a thing or to about the cosmic orgasm. So I thought, what the heck. Why not work with these women to activate their root chakra by using the same principles taught in divine and sacred sex? You know what? It worked. Read on and you will have a greater understanding of why.


Good sex is magic. It creates altered states of consciousness that good drugs do! Think about it for a moment. Mind blowing sex takes you out of space and time. You and your partner merge into one and it leaves you bigger, more than you were before. You are happier, more at peace, you sleep better. It’s good for you! It absolutely puts you in touch with your understanding of God, because there you are in the midst of it calling out, “Oh God!” and this is an altered state experience.

Sex is the ability, the technology, to express and experience what it is you are. This is big, so let’s say it again in a different way; Your sexuality is capable of bringing the experience of who you really are from the non-physical perspective, into the physical experience to be expressed in form. When you are experiencing an orgasm, you lose time, space and all boundaries, you come home to the essence of that which you are.

How many people have had mystical, magical, spiritual sexual experiences? You know what I’m saying then don’t you? Sex, in the past, was considered the ultimate means for the physical to move through the doorway into the spiritual. No initiatic path, no years of meditation, no moving mountains to achieve enlightenment. It is built right into you!

Now as we talk about cosmic orgasm as a means of connecting with Source, let go of all ideas, constructs, projections and associations you have of God, or Source, or the Divine, or whatever you call it. Let go of the ideas of good and bad, right and wrong. Forget everything you know and have learned about sex. Pretend you are embarking on a journey to simply connect with the energy of unlimited, unconditional love.

What we talk about today, you may practice on yourself or your partner later. It does not have to be a partner of the opposite sex; they just need to be consenting. The idea here is to experience orgasm. If you don’t have a partner, cosmic orgasm can definitely be experienced with yourself. If you do not give your own consent, you are in trouble. So ditch any guilt and shame and set the intention to move beyond social constraints and explore your own divinity.

You have come to this planet equipped with the ability at will, to move your energy to a divine level, and then to move that energy out to where it is needed with your intent of how and what it will do. And sacred sex is the exercise of it! What could be better? What could be more clever than for the divine to equip you with something that is absolutely natural, absolutely instinctual, pleasurable, easily accessible, and a doorway to the highest frequency your body can use?


This is some powerful stuff we are talking about here. Why has this been hidden from us for so long? Because it’s so powerful. Great efforts have been made to eliminate the sexual pathways to spiritual power because it takes power away from governments and churches and puts it into the hands of the individual. Your sex was a threat because it creates an altered state response that allows the expansion into the spiritual dimension. If that were to happen you would not need religion, you would not need governments. If that were to happen you would not be easily controlled, because you would know who you are and how to tap into your inner power.

When we look at what orgasm represents: Source. Wholeness. No longer a separation between male and female, between the strong male protector, the hunter and the mystical life bearing female, that which is and that which does, creating together as ONE, it becomes clear why this could be a big threat to religion, and to those who wish to control. Suppressing sex controls power. “Don’t have sex and when you do, don’t enjoy it” and you’ll be good. Enjoy sex and you’ll be bad, a harlot or worse burned at the stake.” In other words, “If you are sexual you won’t be part of the group.” Guilt and shame work to control people.

The move to patriarchal society suppressed women to limit their power. Why were women such a threat? Women were feared because they hold the power to create life. So sexual rules were put into place and sex became reproduction only. Years ago if a woman enjoyed sex she was killed! Even today certain behaviors are considered acceptable, and others are not. This is why when you were 4 years old and explored your genitals your parents told you, “No! That’s a bad, dirty thing.” You were made wrong for exploring your sexuality. Sexuality was made morally wrong. Especially for women.

Morality, in a nutshell, means manipulation. Good, bad, right wrong, do this, don’t do that, look like this, don’t look like that. Reproduce, but don’t enjoy it.

Your sexuality was a threat because it triggers your physical form to release biochemical goodness that moves you into spiritual awareness. At the moment of climax, and leading up to it, you lose what you think you are and merge with what you truly are.

Healing from the past involves freeing yourself from the constraints of the past by letting go of negative thoughts and limiting beliefs around sex. Forgive the past and explore sex now with an open mind and increased awareness. Seek the truth for yourself. What do you experience when you orgasm? What do you become? There’s a reason why it is called “sacred sex” and the “cosmic orgasm!”

The Divine Cosmic Orgasm

What is a cosmic orgasm? How is it different from a regular orgasm?

  • Many of us have experienced the difference between having sex and making love. At its most rudimentary, sex is just the physical act of putting the penis into the vagina and reaching ejaculation and release.

  • A cosmic orgasm is more likely to happen when two individuals make love. Think about this… making love. They share the love between them and it grows in strength and intensity. A cosmic orgasm is where the energy of love builds and builds to the point where it is energy functioning at its highest state until the physical vehicle requires release.

The cosmic orgasm is a means of reconnecting with the Source of All That Is through the ecstasy frequency.

The state of bliss and ecstasy is our natural state outside of these physical bodies. We just didn’t know it because we agreed to forget in order to remember, remember? In addition it has been hidden from us, it has been repressed and made to be something wrong. It has been so taboo to even talk about that the true purpose of sex as a means to know ourselves, as a means to enlightenment, has been kept in the dark.

The divine cosmic orgasm is the experience in which your energy moves from separate to whole. Designed for your ability to become one with yourself, with another, and the divine.

Having an orgasm with a partner is great. Having one with the universe is out of this world! Just think about it for a moment, imagine bringing in the energy of the divine and, “Oh God!”

Let’s Talk Energy

Let’s talk energy. Let’s talk about the basics of how this all works. What are you? Energy. What is this world made up of? Energy.

Interesting thing about energy, it moves. And if you think of a magnet with polarity, you could say ultimately energy is attracted and repulsed, just like a magnet. It moves toward and away from. This is the key to sacred sex. Everything we are going to talk about has to do with this.

4th grade science here: The frequency of its vibration is the difference in how energy shows up. Think of our low frequency emotions like fear, guilt, and shame. Now think of our high frequency emotions like love, joy, and gratitude. Think of how these show up and what they feel like. Everything is energy and everything is defined by its frequency.

If something appears invisible it is because the frequency at which it vibrates is moving so fast that it becomes invisible to the eye. If something is solid, it’s because it appears to have slowed down to the point where it appears to not be moving, it appears solid.

Thoughts are form. Obviously, thoughts vibrate so quickly they appear invisible. So what makes thoughts become real in our physical world?

In order to make our thoughts become reality we need to do 2 things:

1. We’ve got to have an intention

2. We’ve got to slow down the frequency

Slowing down the frequency is relative to speeding up your frequency. Say you want a red balloon. So you set the intention to have a red balloon. Then you visualize having the red balloon, what it looks like, feels like and the feeling associated with having it so you can magnetize it to you. You increase your frequency by focusing on the elevated emotions of receiving and gratitude. This is how it works. You increase your frequency to connect with unmanifested potential to slow down the frequency to bring it into physical form. Crazy right?

Rub your hands together. Friction creates warmth, you are making yourself aware of the energy that you are. It’s an awareness exercise. You have an energy imprint. The temperature outside you is not the same as inside. Energy radiates off you. It’s your energy imprint and your vibrational frequency that makes you, you.

Energy Exercise

1. Rub your hands together some more, feel the heat you are creating through the intention of rubbing your hands together. Now pull them apart slowly. Do you feel the pull on it?

2. Move your hands up and down. Do you still feel it?

3. Roll the energy up into a little ball, throw it up and catch it.

4. Now imagine, as you spread your hands way out, that it forms two balls that stay in your hands.

5. Imagine those balls of light are getting thicker like lava, then solid.

6. Make them feather light again and feel the energy moving all over your hands and moving up your arms and covering your whole body until your whole body is covered in this light, feathery energy.

7. Now bring all that energy back into your hands and throw it at the wall!

8. Now move it back into your hands and body until there is none of it outside, all of it is inside you, and let it settle in your heart. Imagine it is all in your heart, and with every beat of your heart it glows brighter and brighter and brighter. Now pulse it in time with your heartbeat. Let that energy pulse.

9. Develop your ability to pulse your energy at the strength and place that you want it. It is this energy you move around with sexual intent that allows you to establish orgasm in more than one place in the body and for extended periods of time.

That’s right, in more than one area in the body. You can absolutely have an orgasm in your middle toe! You can have one in your earlobe, or even on the tip of your tongue. In fact, just thinking about it now kind of does something to you doesn’t it? That’s energy and intention! The energy of bliss and ecstasy, which is your natural state, and the intention to become aware of it, experience it, move it, and share it is the foundation for divine and sacred sex.

Your ability to think it, creates the focus that allows those energies to do what you want. It is your choice to move the energy up, down, in, out, denser or lighter, etc. And you can intend to become aware of any high vibration feeling you like. It is important to know you are not creating the bliss, the ecstasy, you are simply becoming aware of it and directing it. And you can become aware of any high vibrational frequency you like; Love, Joy, playful teasing, peace, clarity, you can intend to send warm slow pulsating energy to your own pelvic girdle and genitals right now just for the heck of it.

Most importantly, your body, and your partners body will respond to whatever you intend to become aware of and direct. Can you feel it now?

Homework: Use your thoughts and imagination to become adept at moving your energy into your body, outside of your body, above your body as if you were a tree and it was going into the branches, below as if it was going into the earth. Be able to move it, condense it into a very solid like ball, that you can throw up and make it dissipate into a very soft and feathery like energy. Be able to see the energy flowing slow and warm like lava, or cool and quick like water.


Now, because your body responds to this energy, don’t pat yourself on the back and feel all powerful. That is a very dangerous thing to get caught up in. This power can be used to manipulate, so choose your partner wisely and remain pure of heart. But don’t shy away from your inner power either. Start slow and play with your energy and the power within you that everyone wants to suppress. Get used to it. As you allow yourself to be accepting of it, and you see that no harm is done, you will begin to feel safe with it. Only when you find it to be safe in your belief system will you allow yourself to go further with it.

The more you become aware of the energy of All That Is, and how you can merge with it, direct it, and choose your experience, the more you will realize your own frequency and energy imprint; what you are beyond form.

One of the most difficult issues people have is denial of power. Because they feel they may abuse it, it may cause damage, they may have seen abuse of power in the past, because they have mistaken the power OVER with the power OF.

  • The power of what you truly are

  • The power of the spirit you are

  • The power of the source within you

What you have experienced throughout your life gave you the beliefs of who you are and what you can do. You are not limited. It is time to heal those beliefs and move beyond them. You have the ability to recognize within you the Source that you are, the divine within you.

True Power is not dominion over, it is the highest frequency of love combined with the highest frequency of wisdom that any person can hold in the now. Now that’s True Power.

As you play with energy, become more and more aware of love and wisdom and move that energy for exponential growth and expansion.

Cosmic Orgasm With Yourself.

Ok, now for the good stuff. Put on a hat that has not been touched by repression, by constructs around sex, and what you have known about sex, so that while we talk you do not have to feel shame, embarrassment, and judgment about yourself, others, or the information coming through. Give yourself this immoral hour! On top of that immoral head put on the hat of a delightful and imaginative 4 year old.

SET THE INTENT: First to prepare for a sacred sex experience, determine what the intent is for. What is it you want to use this energy for? Healing? To express the God or Goddess within as physical, as it is meant to do? To amplify your love for yourself? To experience your true nature in fullness? To better serve the world?

Here are some examples:

“I am intending to allow the God or Goddess to be expressed fully.”

“I intend to heal.”

“I intend to know myself”

“I intend to express the highest level possible”

“I intend to amplify the love I have for myself and the world, to better serve this world.”

“I ask that the energies work with me, that I might work at my highest levels in consciousness and awareness, to help me stay aware of what I am feeling, purposeful in what I am doing, and absolutely abandoned in the process.”

INCREASE YOUR FREQUENCY: Now rub your hands together again and form a small ball. Let it grow bigger and bigger until it forms a bubble around you and within you. Let that energy move outward to fill the room, then bring it back and pulse it in your pelvic area. Let it move beyond the room and fill the entire house, then bring it back and pulse it in your heart. Then fill up your city, then your state, then cover the whole planet, then bring it back and pulse it into your whole body. Make it even lighter and send it out into the universe, then throughout the cosmos and bring it back to you, right into you. Let it fill you up, be aware of what you are feeling. Let your energy merge with the energy of every planet, every solar system until it moves to the very heart of Source itself, imagine it merging with source, and bring it back into you. It is not unusual to gasp in ecstasy at this point. Now direct the energy and let it center right in your hips, in your pelvic area. Let it sit there for a moment and fill that area up. Feel the energy, feel the vibration. One of the most important things you can do is pulse the energy. Can you pulse it? Can you imagine the energy glowing brighter with every beat of your heart? Can you pulse the energy in your genitals? This is the secret to orgasm without touch. Imagine the warm thick lava like energy dripping off your hands making a little mountain of energy where you direct it. Make the energy feathery and light. By simply thinking about it, how does your body respond?

Good for you if you feel it!

As you do this exercise, remain aware of what the universe is giving to you. How are you changed with each of these energy exchanges? What do you feel or experience?

For your sexual enhancement you can direct your thoughts to be about love, warmth, cooling, sharp, or soft. Whatever you desire. You want them to be sensory thoughts. To be able to send a pulsation of energy that is soft and warm to your hand, to your clitoris or penis, is how you achieve orgasm without touch. Try it tonight. Lay in bed and send pulsations between your legs, warm, soft, gentle pulsations. If guilt or shame arise, you are playing a power game with yourself and may hold the belief it is not right to pleasure yourself. Do it anyway to move beyond any guilt or shame and experience the truth of yourself at orgasm.

Let the energy build, and pulse and build and pulse. In and out, above and below, condensed, dissipated. Be able to move it outside your body, inside your body, and outside your body to specific areas of request, letting the energy build and build, directed at not just your genitalia, but everywhere. Toes, lips, and the perineum are especially delicious. Bring yourself to the edge, then back down, do it again and then allow your full merging with this cosmic energy.

The bliss of the divine orgasm can be extended to the point that you can bring it up at will and function in it even without sexual activity. Imagine walking around all the time in a state of bliss. Would that really be so bad? This is the result of allowing your energy to merge with the energy of All That Is. In fact, the release is actually the sad part because that’s when its over.

Again, the state of bliss is our natural state outside of these physical bodies.

Well done! I can feel you enjoying yourself already.

Learn to discipline your energy. Know that it is imagination that controls energy and that’s the goal. Do this softly at first increasing the amount of time you can hold that energy within you. This is a process that requires practice. The more energy you can hold, the more intense your experience. Your frequency literally changes, and as you integrate your experiences, habits and patterns that don’t serve you will be flung out because your body vessel is working in the highest frequency that form can hold. Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs are unable to exist in the higher frequencies. When you’re in a state of bliss, it’s pretty tough to have a negative thought!

Have you ever walked into a room with bad energy? It also works the other way around. Your thoughts are energy you can send out. Has anyone ever conveyed love to you, absolute cherishing, adoring love without words? It was because they were thinking it while they were looking at you!

Cosmic Orgasm with a Partner

This is the act of purposefully allowing yourself to become a part of another. It matters not the gender.

SET THE ATMOSPHERE. Light some candles, play some music, arrange some pillows, bathe, eat light foods that stimulate your sensory organs.

INCREASE YOUR FREQUENCY: How close can your partner get before you feel their energy? Can you feel yourself responding to their thoughts? To their intent? Increase your awareness of both your energy and their energy.

SET THE INTENT: Before you come together for a sacred sex experience, determine what the intent is for. Because you are literally creating your universe, what is it you want to use this energy for? Healing? Again, to express the God and Goddess as physical is meant to do? To amplify your love? To better serve the world?

For example: “We are coming together today for the purpose of allowing the God and Goddess to come together in its original wholeness. To allow the physical union of our bodies to express their highest level possible, for the purpose of amplifying the love we share and the bond we hold to better serve this world. We ask that the energies work with us that we might work at our highest levels in consciousness and awareness, to help us stay aware of what we are feeling, purposeful in what we are doing, and absolutely abandoned in the process.

Work with the intention, focus, or vision, while you are building to that point of orgasm. Allow yourselves to focus on that vision, see it, and send it forth to Source so that the energy merges with Source, with that vision.

DIRECT ENERGY: Start out by putting your energy outside of you and bringing back. Put it into the planet and bring it back inside of you so that you are a part of all that is here. Pulse it, make it thick and slow, then light and feathery. Then move your energy out into space and bring it back. Then with your visualization process move it throughout the universe, cosmos and bring it back to you increasing the frequency each time you send it out and bring it back. Then move the energy to the Source of All That Is, imagine that you allow your energy to connect with the Divine, merging with it there. This is ecstasy! (Many gurus do this one thing their whole life to find enlightenment)

What you are wanting to do in orgasm is to literally bring the universe inside you. Allow it to build and move to its highest level, then channel it into your partner, while your partner is doing that with you. (It’s much simpler when it is just you!)

While you allow the building of energy put your lips together and breath together. Share breath. Function consciously, because it won’t happen for the unconscious. Share eye contact. Eyes are the window into the soul. Allow yourself to be seen and to see the other.

Sharing energy in this way brings you a true sense of what you are: Pulsating light energy of pure Source. Continue practicing sharing energy, eye contact, breath, and energy, holding your intention, pulsating energy where you are intuitive guided, letting the energy build, and build and build. When it is time for penetration start penetration shallowly 5-8 strokes. Then 4 deep ones. Do another shallow 8-11 strokes and then 4 deep ones, then stop. Building anticipation. Feel the energy in the pelvic cradle. It is a simultaneous orgasm that you are after. Become a pillar of light that moves up your body to your heart, then to the head, and out to the divine.

Learning to extend climax allows you to build the energy. The building is the key to the intensity of the release. When you stop, you are switching the intensity of the energy consciously and purposefully. You’ve moved into your partner and back out and they feel just the reverse, that’s why you feel so whole when its really good, because you have shared not only one another but you have shared the divinity that you are, the wholeness you are in that instant. What you are doing in orgasm is to literally bring the universe inside you, allow it within you to move to its highest level and give it to your partner.

The sacred sex experience keeps you literally on a high, because your body has all of a sudden been put in a powerful wonderful place you were meant to be since the day you were born.

A Doorway to the Divine

You are designed to be able to access your greatest power through the physical experience. A doorway to the divine within. Sacred sex is designed as a means to awaken. It brings about an altered state beyond anything you have known. It can literally be out of body, into the one you are with. It can open you up to your spiritual nature, open you up to the power you have available to you and connect you with Source itself. There is a sense perhaps of dissolving of self. Not having boundaries. Sacred sex is about the pure bliss that you have merged and become one with your love or yourself, or source. Pure bliss.

The Body

What makes absolutely no difference at all is what your body looks like. Your body is built for sex, because sex is the easiest way for absolute enlightenment. It is a spiritual path that allows you to experience the highest frequency you can experience. You allow the truest connection to your Source to be felt in form, and the form was designed for it. Your sacred sexuality allows you to experience your other half- not a soul mate, but your own wholeness and completeness.

Become aware of what every part of your body feels like. Do you have issues with your body parts? What’s that based on? Allow your whole body to become a sensual zone. Allow the feelings of bliss to be triggered by your elbow, a toe, an earlobe, a lip. Can you have an orgasm somewhere other than your genitalia?

Powerful Techniques

1. Love. One thing that will allow your experience to move into ecstasy is to love. Love is a matter of the mind and not how good the other person makes you feel. It allows for a level of safety that allows exploration to happen.

2. Non doing. Don’t work to orgasm. FEEL it building and stopping and building and stopping. Hold the energy. This will allow you to experience greater pulsation and strength in your orgasm.

3. Penetration. Penetrate shallowly 5-8 strokes. Then 4 deep ones. Then move out. Think of your united vision of love and joy, then penetrate again for 5-8 strokes to build tension. Then 4 deep ones. You are extending the orgasmic experience and building and holding it there. Take your partner to the edge and hold them at the orgasmic plateau. Shallow, shallow, shallow, the number matters not. Following Patterns and rhythms help extend and strengthen orgasm.

4. Be conscious. Function consciously. It won’t happen for the unconscious

5. Alternate breathing and simultaneous breathing. Breath together for several moments, then have one person breath out while the other breathes in. This allows for some of the greatest preparation for good sex. You are functioning with the same intent, the same breath. (life force) At this point you’ve just had a sexual experience! If you are by yourself relax your breathing and pay attention to it. Imagining the divine lover is very important.

6. Look into each other’s eyes. If you look into both eyes, you are not close enough. Be close enough so that you can feel the breath and looking into one eye or the other. This may be hard at first as eyes are the gateway to the soul. Start with 5 minutes then increase.

7. Don’t seek orgasm. Meet in the beginning to learn your body and your partners body. don’t penetrate in the beginning.

8. Orgasm without touch. Begin without touch to achieve orgasm. Use your imagination to direct the energy to reach orgasm. Then with touch without penetration to achieve orgasm. Then with penetration to achieve orgasm. If you build and move through each of these you will be building toward a greater experience. An orgasm that goes beyond simple release or ejaculation.

9. Sense with your whole body. Your sexual organs are located everywhere in your body. you have just turned off 95-99% of them because it has been taboo. Start increasing your awareness of your whole body and experience orgasm somewhere other than your sexual organs. Be aware of what you are tasting, seeing, hearing, smelling, direct your energy to your toes, your lips, and other areas. Anything you can do to become more aware of your senses will add to your sexual experience

10. Sound what you are feeling. Groaning, moaning, giggling, laughing with glee, talking, gurgling… enjoy making sounds! You feel yourself feeling good and you go umm… and that amplifies it for you and your partner. Learn to sound it. Sound is the ultimate accelerator of the physical experience. Express what you feel. It excites your partner

11. Don’t exceed your comfort zone. If you are uncomfortable with something say so.

12. Seek pleasure not pain. If you are in pain shift position.

13. Multiple orgasms for men. To have more than one orgasm, don’t release all of the seminal fluid using the same muscles that cut off urination.

14. Activate your pelvis. Charge your pelvic area with energy each time you meditate. Generate pulsing energy into your pelvis and move it to the heart, then from the heart to source, then with the power of that connection send it to the universe with the intent of elevating all life on the planet. This can bring sensation and sex drive back for women who say their vagina died when they had children.

15. Avoid overstimulation. Too much attention to one spot- not good. Large movements throughout the whole area- good.

16. Orgasm starts with your intent. When you practice sacred sex the moment you start you are in orgasm mode and it doesn’t stop until you decide it does.

17. Building. Don’t build and wait more than 3 times in the beginning

18. Option: When it is time for deep penetration allow the female gender to be on top. You have masculine and masculine right there!

19. Orgasm: takes place in the brain, body and cosmos!

Homework: Play with your energy with a flower, give it to the flower and bring it back to you. What has the flower given you? With a tree, what has the tree given you? With a stranger, with someone you love, what do you receive back? How are you changed? Reflect on why it is so necessary for so many people to turn off their awareness.

Masculine and Feminine

  • Active is male, passive is female.

  • Men like to see; women like to sense and hear.

  • Feminine is receiving, masculine is giving

Human Sex is:

Electric in nature



Can become boring

Thinking of past or future

Quick climax


Requires a partner

Lost in memories or projections

Limited to body mechanics

Divine Sacred Sex

Magnetic in nature

Consciously done


Always exhilarating

In the now. No time, no space

Continuous building climax

Individualized Oneness

Can be done alone or with a partner

Present in the now

Total physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, experience.


Whether you are male and female or of the same sex, ultimately the cosmic orgasm allows you to merge with those you love while you are loving. It allows you to merge and become one with the world, and ultimately the source within you. It opens your physical world, your mental world, your emotional world and your spiritual world. If this is not what you want, don’t do it. When you work with your energy in this way you are going to find parts of you that have been closed down begin to open. The ability to hold the world outside of you starts dissolving and for those who need that security blanket, who must keep love, the world, and Spirit away to remain safe, may find this to be a threat to their reality.

In Closing

Bring yourself almost to the point of orgasm, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally, and stop. Then carry that feeling with you as you go about your day, that’s how you extend your experience and bring the energy of divine bliss into the world.

You don’t have to have faith that this works, you just have to do it. Your body will respond. You are energy, you are made to function this way, you have just forgotten how. You are working with the nature of your frequency and because of that you may have profound experiences. You may find things that used to bother you no longer do. Issues may fall to the wayside without you even having to work through them. Increasing your frequency displaces lower frequency gunk with higher frequency feelings and experiences. Low frequency distortions just get dispersed often without your even knowing. You may experience physical changes as a result. The physical changes are different for everyone, but better orgasms, longer orgasms, and more sustained orgasms will be most notable.

The key to success is that you are using your major sexual organ, which is your brain. Anything your head experiences, your body remembers, what you think about you bring about. So feel your own energy, direct it and use your imagination! Most importantly have fun! After all, you were built for it!

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