I received a question today from a client that I think is very valuable. Question: My mind always falls back on old thought patterns from all the time I spent in treatment. Do you ever see a trend of mantras becoming unhealthy? Answer: The mind is very malleable. It remembers what we think about most, what we feel, and what we see in our minds eye. If what we think, see and feel about most, or default to on a regular basis is unhealthy, yes, we can get caught up in a negative mantra. The mantra that “I am not good enough” is one of the most repeated unhelpful mantras on the planet. Transformation can happen in an instant. More often it happens gradually over time as negative thoughts and limiting beliefs are broken down slowly. Cultivating awareness plays a key role in dismantling negative mantras. When you witness a negative thought that repeats itself over and over, you have the ability to see it for what it is and dissolve it. How do you dissolve it? By discerning it to be false, exploring it by asking is this really true? By swiping left and even laughing at the information your mind brings you. Break that negative mantra down bit by bit until your mind acclimates and stops bringing you that information. The mind learns. It can be trained. It is a valued bringer of information. You just have not been taught to discern and direct it. When you cultivate awareness and use discernment to explore a thought or a belief, you cannot help, I don’t think, but be transformed by what awareness and discernment have the power to dissolve. It certainly transformed me. ;-) XxxOoo…